Mission and Vision
Our mission is to put at the center of our objectives on well-being, the maintenance and maintenance improvement, where possible, the state of psychophysical health of the guest, considered as a “unique person” who brings with him a background of experience, desires and customs, which our staff is committed to respecting and valuing with love and competence.
The way we operate pursues the primary goal of improving the quality of life of our guests, promoting the well-being and health of the same. From an operational point of view, for us this means being able to develop an individualized Assistance Plan that, by analyzing the needs, identifies the objectives and the consequent actions to be implemented necessary for their realization. These plans and specific planned interventions are periodically reviewed and updated.

Each guest has the right to receive the most appropriate care, medical and rehabilitation care, without discrimination of sex, race, language, religion, political views and socio-economic conditions. The behaviour of operators towards users is inspired by criteria of objectivity, justice and impartiality. Equality of treatment should be understood as a prohibition of any unjustified discrimination of sex, race, language, religion and political views, and not as uniformity of benefits, as this structure is committed to adopting the necessary initiatives to adapt the way services are provided to the needs of users on the basis of their self-sufficiency conditions.
The structure ensures continuity and regularity of care. In the event of a disruption or forced suspension of service due to force majeure, the structure itself will take all measures to cause users as little inconvenience as possible.
The structure guarantees the user participation in the service through correct, clear and comprehensive information; recognizes the user the opportunity to express their assessment of the quality of the services provided, to submit reports or suggestions for the improvement of the service. The structure also promotes continuous collaboration with voluntary and rights groups.
The service offered by the facility is provided through the activation of paths and procedures, which ensure an optimal relationship between the resources used, the performance provided and the results obtained. The effectiveness of performance is also achieved through technological development, research and the permanent training of operators.